New, cutting edge alternative therapy for ADHD and PTSD, anxiety, insomnia and other conditions.
Patients can take advantage of a new Audio Visual Entrainment (AVE) therapy. It is helpful in ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia and other conditions.
Ask Dr. Mirman or one of the psychologists at Life Medical if you are interested in trying this new therapy.
This effective, drug-free alternative therapy utilizes technology that helps settle hyperactivity, promote relaxation and improve mood and logical thinking. The device is the result of many years of research and studies. Two separate studies have shown that ADHD behaviors were reduced significantly with AVE. Patients with PTSD can also benefit from this therapy. Sessions can be designed to stimulate or calm the left, right or both hemispheres of the brain depending on the patients’ symptoms.
Most health insurance plans cover the cost of the initial session using “The David Alert” system. If patients feel they are benefitted from AVE therapy they can purchase the device for under $400.
Service Available at:
St. Louis Park
(Main Location)