New weight loss medications “hot topic” in the news

New weight loss medications and their positive results are a “hot topic” in the news today; but what are the pros and cons?

High costs and possible side effects are two factors to consider.

Drugmakers say that drugs such as Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro can help someone lose 15% to 20% of their body weight.

What are the possible side effects?

But many doctors, psychologists and eating disorder experts worry these new medications, originally developed to treat diabetes, could become a problem long-term.

Common side effects of these new drugs include: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and constipation. The drugs also come with a warning that they may increase the risk of other potentially damaging side effects. On July 11, there was a news article from Europe that the European Medicine Agency is investigating these drugs for possibly causing suicidal ideation. In the opinion of Dr. Jacob Mirman, these drugs are not quite ready for prime time and it may be better to wait using them.

Rebound weight gain when discontinuing the drugs can be a possible side effect as well. If people don’t keep taking these drugs “for life” most people are likely to regain any weight that was lost. Some psychologists have surmised that the physical and psychological toll of that rebound could be damaging.

What are the costs?

Even though demand for anti-obesity medications is expected to grow exponentially, as a shortage eases and several new drugs come on the market, the drugs can still cost $1,000 a month or more per person. Because the drugs need to be taken on a “life-long basis” how many people can truly afford this?

Pharmaceutical companies also are lobbying heavily to get insurers, including government-funded Medicare, to cover the cost of weight loss medications.

Health insurance typically will not cover the costs of these medications. It is estimated that 40 million of the 110 million Americans living with obesity have insurance coverage that would/may include weight loss medications.

At Life Medical we offer a reasonably priced weight-loss “drug” that is in the form of a supplement

Here is a letter to patients from Dr. Jacob Mirman regarding the basics of his Weight Management program.

To our patients: Our Marketing Director feels I am too verbose about this subject and she is probably right. I wrote a more expanded version of this newsletter providing a bit more info for people serious about weight management. CLICK HERE to read the extended version. I feel more info is always good, especially on a topic as complicated as weight loss. Most patients are not familiar with our weight management protocol that includes a supplement regimen we call Neuro Research Protocol (NRP). In most of our cases, we have seen a sustained weight loss of around 1-2 lbs. a week; heavier patients can lose even more than that. If a patient is serious about their weight management, this program along with these supplements offers help to lose weight and keep it off for $170 - $330 a month which is a fraction of the cost of the new weight loss drugs.
My Weight Management Program includes many facets. For the full story CLICK HERE

The supplements are not always “curative”. If you have a tendency towards obesity, they work incredibly well to reduce your hunger and enable you to lose weight. Some people do find that they need to continue taking them as a life-long habit to be able to keep their weight off.

Here are a few examples of patients who have used the program:

  • I personally have been on these supplements for 25 years now to keep my weight at a very healthy level to keep myself from “foraging for food” which is a bad habit. Even after all these years I find that if I forget a dose, I start “looking for food”.
  • A 45-year-old woman in my practice lost 43 lbs. going from 223 to 180. She told me that the weight loss was fairly easy, which was great to hear. However, she quit the program because her clothes didn’t fit anymore, and she did not want to buy a whole new wardrobe. Go figure!
  • A 40-year-old woman was on the program last year and lost 20 lbs. (245 to 225lb), then stopped taking the supplements. Her loss stopped but she was able to maintain it. She decided to come and resume the program with a goal weight of 160 lbs. One week after she resumed the program, she was still slightly hungry but lost 7 lbs. As she continues in the program, she can expect 1-2 lbs. per week of weight loss which will be fat loss. We usually see the full effect of the supplement dose within a week.
  • A 60-year-old man lost 35 lbs. in five months going from 215 lbs. to 180 lbs. in 5 months. He is satisfied with his progress and is continuing to stay on the program.
  • A 57-year-old woman came to see me and started with the supplements CLICK HERE to see the graph of her progress below. She went from 240 lbs. to 147 lbs. in about a year. When we stopped the active phase of the program, I suggested that she continue on the supplements. She did not and never came back for a follow-up. I saw her in public a couple years later, and she was significantly heavier than when she started.

Psychology plays a part in weight loss

Psychology is a factor in weight loss. I tell my patients that many of us have certain psychological issues which make us eat. It is not uncommon to become overweight as a form of protection from others. For instance, one 325 lb. female patient told me she does not want to lose weight because then men will start looking at her. She experienced a trauma in her life, which caused this reaction.

If a patient actually wants to improve their weight, any underlying emotional state that could impede the progress needs to be addressed in more ways than just taking the supplements. I often recommend medical cannabis as a way to help ease any underlying emotions that may get in the way. Homeopathy is also a treatment that can help deal with deep trauma in a more curative way. Occasionally as part of my program I suggest that a psychologist may need to be involved.

Weight loss is a complicated process

In conclusion weight loss is complicated. It is different for every person. My Weight Loss Management program is successful because I take the time to listen to the patient and come up with the best suggestions for their circumstances. I am always here to answer any questions patients might have.

CLICK HERE to send Dr. Jacob Mirman an email about his Weight Loss Management program.