Article – A Better Way to Treat Depression

Treating depression with an integrative approach

NeuroResearch supplements work very well for anxiety and depression and can replace prescription drugs

According to Dr. Jacob Mirman, these supplements are usually more effective than pharmaceuticals.

When a patient comes in for depression treatment, during the initial appointment Dr. Mirman takes the time to listen carefully to each patient so we can evaluate their needs based on a number of factors including:

  • Philosophy of care
  • The patient’s specific symptoms
  • Any medications or treatment types they have used previously
  • Insurance coverage
  • The patient’s financial situation

Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about themselves, and thinks about things. Depression is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be “wished away”. People with depression cannot merely “pull themselves together” and get better.

The signs and symptoms of depression include loss of interest in activities that were once interesting or enjoyable, including sex, loss of appetite with weight loss, or overeating with weight gain, and/or a loss of emotional expression (flat affect). Patients can also experience a persistently sad, anxious, or empty mood along with feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and social withdrawal.

NeuroResearch supplements can be very successful in the treatment of depression

Dr. Jacob Mirman uses NeuroResearch supplements for many of his patients. He feels they are a much better alternative than pharmacologic drugs.

NeuroResearch supplements contain amino acids 5-HTP, L-tryosine, L-Dopa and other nutritional components that assist the body in achieving proper neurotransmitter balance to alleviate mood disorder symptoms.

There is a big difference in how pharmaceuticals work in the brain and how the NeuroResearch supplements work to increase neurotransmitter levels in the brain synapses, allowing the nerve cells to communicate with each other more effectively.

NeuroResearch supplements increase the overall amount of neurotransmitter molecules in the brain. These supplements never stop working.

Antidepressant drugs, on the other hand, work by redirecting the available neurotransmitter molecules to the target areas, but in the process, they deplete the stores of these molecules. That’s why these drugs often don’t work as well after a while; once depletion sets in, fewer molecules are available to be redirected.

In the long run, these drugs can make depression worse by causing neurotransmitter depletion. Many doctors don’t understand this physiology and feel the drugs increase amounts of these molecules in the brain, but it is not true.

This is one of the main reasons Dr. Mirman prefers them over pharmaceuticals and why his patients experience better success. These supplements are not only very effective, they do not have the harmful side effects associated with typically-prescribed depression drugs.

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Dr. Jacob Mirman says, “I have used these supplements to successfully help patients with depression and anxiety. Many have experienced lasting improvements in their symptoms.”


A 55-year-old man came in complaining of anxiety. He started the NeuroResearch supplements. In just one month the man’s anxiety was greatly improved. The supplements can be very fast-acting because each dose has a full effect in 7 days, and most people respond to the common 3 levels of dosing.

The dosage of the supplements is always carefully monitored in order to get to optimum dosage. Once the dosage is optimized, we can add an additional homeopathic remedy which is what we did with this patient.

He kept making improvements. After several months of homeopathic and supplement treatments he was able to be weaned off the supplements. A few months later he was off the homeopathic treatment as well, and currently the patient is doing fine without any treatments. This is the very best kind of success story!

Every patient is unique, so additional treatment options for depression that Dr. Mirman may suggest include:

“Here is some handy advice I give to my patients for quick temporary relief,” says Dr. Mirman. “Try Bach Rescue Remedy to abort an acute anxiety or panic attack, as well as any acute excessive emotion, like anger, sadness, etc. It is readily available at Whole Foods and for many people works within minutes. It has no side effects whatsoever. Follow the simple directions on the label.”

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jacob Mirman call our office at 952-933-8900

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