Parkinson’s Disease; a new alternative treatment without the side effects

Good news for patients with Parkinson’s disease; there is a new alternative treatment that doesn’t have the side effects of the drugs typically prescribed by mainstream medicine.

There is a new Parkinson’s disease treatment that is a natural alternative.

At Life Medical, Dr. Jacob Mirman specializes in the use of a natural treatment option for Parkinson’s disease.

This treatment option for Parkinson’s disease is called Neuro-Research Protocol Supplements. Dr. Martin Hinz developed this method of using specific nutritional support to assist in situations where neurotransmitter balance is impaired, such as Parkinson’s disease, insomnia, depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Crohn’s disease, obesity and other conditions. The Neuro-Research supplements provide essential amino acids and cofactor vitamins and minerals to help the body balance the catecholamine (epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine) and serotonin neurotransmitter systems.

Current research on Parkinson’s disease has revealed a major negative side effect of the conventional drugs used to treat this condition; depletion of vitamin B-6.

In conventional medicine, physicians prescribe L-Dopa in combination with Carbidopa. The Carbidopa is added to mitigate the nausea that L-Dopa can cause. The Carbidopa depletes the body of vitamin B-6 and this causes numerous metabolic problems and increases the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Our Neuro-Research Protocol Supplements contain the amino acid L-Dopa (AKA Levodopa) as the most common prescription for Parkinson’s disease. However we use an alternative method to mitigate the nausea. The amino acid 5HTP is used for nausea because it does not cause metabolic problems and does not increase the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Therefore we treat Parkinson’s with a natural alternative that does not have the negative side effects and that does not deplete the body of B-6. Because B-6 plays an active role in the making of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that is already in short supply in Parkinson’s patients, it is of utmost importance to have a good level of this important vitamin.

Traditional drugs prescribed for Parkinson’s disease patients can be problematic due to Carbidopa.

The only prescription form of L-dopa currently available and prescribed by mainstream medicine is a drug that combines L-dopa with Carbidopa. Unfortunately Carbidopa causes negative side effects for Parkinson’s patients.

Luckily there is another treatment option for Parkinson’s patients that is an alternative form of L-dopa without carbidopa. This new treatment does not have the B-6 side effects associated with carbidopa. Dr. Jacob Mirman of Life Medical strongly believes that L-dopa without carbidopa is a much better way to treat Parkinson’s patients.

There are many side effects caused by added Carbidoba.

Of no real medical value in the management of Parkinson’s treatment, Carbidopa can be very problematic.  Originally there was a good reason to combine it with L-dopa, because it was shown to mitigate nausea. However, Carbidopa has some very unwelcome side effects because it binds irreversibly to vitamin B6 and vitamin B6 enzymes. In this case “irreversible” is synonymous with detrimental because the binding process permanently removes B6 in patients and can cause a serious deficiency. This B6 deficiency decreases dopamine synthesis which in turn makes Parkinson’s symptoms worse. These symptoms caused by B6 deficiency are commonly confused with the progression of Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Luckily they are reversible when the patient’s B6 levels return to normal.

Carbidopa-induced B-6 depletion causes many issues.

The symptoms of Carbidopa-induced B6 deficiency can be identical to Parkinson’s disease symptoms. These nutritional deficiencies that affect Parkinson’s patients are usually ignored by the standard of care in medicine.

Carbidopa-induced B6 deficiency can cause:

  • An increase in the Parkinson’s death rate
  • Dyskinesias
  • Deterioration of Parkinson’s symptoms
  • Glutathione depletion (facilitates neurotoxins)
  • Choreiform movements

Under the current standard of care in medicine, many Parkinson’s disease patients experience profound deterioration in the first 3 to 5 years. It is believed that much of this deterioration can be caused by carbidopa and its side effects and not actually Parkinson’s disease.

Vitamin B6 is necessary for everyone not just Parkinson’s patients.

In some cases a vitamin B6 deficiency can lead to nerve damage in the hands and feet. People often exhibit other symptoms such as a weakened immune system anemia, itchy rashes, scaly skin on the lips, a swollen tongue, depression and confusion.

It has been shown that vitamin B6 helps in the production of neurotransmitters which are the chemicals that allow brain and nerve cells to communicate with one another. It is also very important for immune system function in older individuals. Vitamin B6 can also help address a number of conditions, including nerve compression injuries (like carpal tunnel syndrome), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and some cases of depression and arthritis. This important vitamin is often used to treat memory loss, diabetes, asthma attacks, ADHD, kidney stones and acne.

Neuro Research Protocol’s natural alternative for Parkinson’s disease is available in Minnesota and for patients all across the U.S.

Located in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, Life Medical is a full service primary care clinic.  At our integrative medical clinic patients get the benefit of customized treatment plans that include conventional and complementary therapies.

Dr. Jacob Mirman is our Parkinson’s Disease expert. When you make an appointment at Life Medical, whether it is in person, via skype or on the phone, he will take the time necessary to discuss the most appropriate treatment options for Parkinson’s disease. The pre-qualification appointment in any format is totally free. Dr. Mirman will spend a great deal of time talking to the patient to get a clear understanding of their history and the severity of their symptoms.