When it comes to treating post traumatic stress disorder many patients choose to come to Life Medical. Our providers offer treatment plans that include complementary and conventional therapies.
Because we are a full service clinic that specializes in integrative medicine, we not only offer a variety of effective PTSD treatments, in many cases we use multiple treatment types including:
- Medical cannabis
- Mental Health modalities including conventional psychotherapy/counseling and hypnotherapy
- Homeopathy
- Bach Flower essences
- Acupuncture
- NeuroResearch Protocol (Serotonin and Dopamine precursor supplement system)
Dr. Jacob Mirman specializes in treating patients with PTSD
Life Medical providers specialize in numerous integrative modalities and Dr. Mirman is an expert in developing an effective plan of treatment for PTSD and other conditions, utilizing these modalities.
LISTEN TO Dr. Mirman discuss the benefits of cannabis and other treatment types for PTSD on the KQRS Morning Show 6/17/2019
It’s easy to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mirman; patients are offered a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION via phone at 952-933-8900 or email at jmirman@lifemedical.us
A patient came in to Life Medical for treatment. The patient had many issues including PTSD, obesity, and back pain.
PTSD often causes associated issues because it makes people upset and nervous. It impedes sleep, so many people gain weight as a result of being tired and inactive. It’s a vicious circle.
When we look at PTSD, the most effective modalities might be: medical cannabis, hypnosis, Neuro Research Protocol (supplements) and homeopathy. It depends on the patient and the particular case, but we could use any one of these treatments or a combination of two or more, depending on the patient.
CLICK HERE to see how an appointment for PTSD at Life Medical is superior to a typical 10-minute appointment with an MD
We use many different treatment types for patients with PTSD:
Many PTSD patients get amazing benefits from cannabis, and most can stop taking their tranquilizers. The medications most commonly prescribed to help people with PTSD often don’t work well. Plus, there is a risk of unpleasant side effects with most of these pharmaceuticals. With medical cannabis our goal is to eventually reduce the use. Most patients will be significantly better after using cannabis for a few months. This is when we really take a look at adding other modalities/treatment methods to treat their conditions.
After a few months, the patients’ lives are improved; they have fewer symptoms, less pain, and they are sleeping better. If they were experiencing PTSD, it is much more in control; they are now able to go out in public, they are much happier and their family life is better. All of this is the typical scenario within the initial 3-4 months of using cannabis.
At this point we start looking at how to make the patient better permanently because cannabis is basically just “symptom relief”.
HOMEOPATHY: Homeopathy can also be successfully used for PTSD patients.
Homeopathy is an unusual medical modality. Homeopathic remedies are administered in the form of a medicated sugar pellet or a drop of liquid that can be taken by mouth. In PTSD cases they work a bit like debugging programs that help us improve our perception of reality by removing the “bugs” introduced by stressful events and allow us to become more functional. It may sound too incredible, but this 200-year-old system of medicine has survived multiple attempts to discredit it, and its practitioners are now more numerous than ever. In fact, it now boasts a large body of medical research that proves its effectiveness as compared to placebo (a sugar pill). Many patients with depression and anxiety can be permanently relieved of their complaints with a single well-chosen homeopathic remedy. Patients will only need to be on homeopathic remedies until they achieve their desired state of health, so in most cases it is not a life-long treatment.
BACH FLOWER ESSENCES: Many patients also achieve deep improvements when treated with Bach essences. They are somewhat similar to homeopathy but in many cases easier to prescribe, requiring less time and allowing for the treatment to be determined within a regular insurance-covered visit.
ACUPUNCTURE: Acupuncture works by affecting the body’s energy, helping patients in a similar way to homeopathy. It is often beneficial in mood disorders and has been used on patients with PTSD. It is often covered by insurance
NEURORESEARCH PROTOCOL: This is a supplement-based method which helps in mood disorders and has been quite effective in PTSD cases. The two case studies below show how effective this treatment using supplements can be.
“Recently an out of town patient with PTSD called me. He wanted to be certified for medical cannabis. However, he was so afraid of leaving home that he was not able to come to the office. This created a huge problem because by law I am not allowed to do cannabis certification without having the patient being present.
While cannabis could have been effective in his case, when I took his location and his fear of leaving home into account, I decided that the Neuro Research supplements could be a very effective alternative treatment for him. We were able to do all of his appointments via Skype. To begin his treatment we kept him on his regular medications, but added the supplements. When he showed improvement we lowered the dosages of his medications.
He is doing a lot better since he started the supplements; so much so that he is able to leave home a lot more. The patient is very happy with the results.”
“A 55 year old man came in complaining of anxiety. He started the Neuro Research supplements. In just one month the man’s anxiety was greatly improved. The supplements can be very fast-acting because each dose has a full effect in 7 days.
The dosage of the supplements is carefully monitored in order to get to optimum dosage. Once the dosage is optimized we can add a homeopathic remedy which is what happened with this patient. He kept improving albeit more slowly. After several months of homeopathic and supplement treatments he was able to be weaned off the supplements. A few months later he was off the homeopathic treatments as well, and currently the patient is doing fine without any treatment.”
PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENTS: Many PTSD patients get good results with mental health approaches such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) or hypnotherapy, as well as conventional talk therapy.
The mental health providers at Life Medical are skilled in treating PTSD, depression, anxiety, and mood disorders.
This type of therapy treats problems and boosts happiness by modifying dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. It focuses on solutions, encouraging patients to challenge distorted cognitions and change destructive patterns of behavior. We often pair psychotherapy with other therapies to enhance the results.
- Solution-focused therapy (SFBT)
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Hypnotherapy
- Exposure therapy (desensitization)
- Directed imagery
- Mindfulness
- Relaxation therapy
- Somatoemotional release