Tom Barnard recently asked Dr. Mirman to be a guest on his afternoon broadcast where they discussed medical cannabis, conventional and other treatment methods and modalities.
CLICK HERE to listen to the short recording
When Dr. Mirman meets with a patient he listens carefully to the issues they are experiencing and then he evaluates which of the many integrative treatment types offered at Life Medical are best. He and the patient discuss possible treatment options that include conventional,homeopathy, chiropractic, nutritionals, hypnosis or physical therapy.
Dr. Mirman considers homeopathy to be the pinnacle of medicine and the most powerful treatment he can offer, but every patient’s situation is different so he asks them to read information and consider the options and then together they make the decision on what to do going forward. The goal is not to get a “cure” (which he refers to as a four-letter word) but more to achieve a “great remission”.
Cannabis is also an option for pain relief for many patients who fit the guidelines for use from the State of Minnesota. It is actually an herbal medicine that in the past has been underused, but every day he learns more and more about what it can be helpful for. Dr. Mirman jokingly calls medical cannabis a “Gateway Drug” but in his definition cannabis is often a “Gateway to Better Medicine”. The reason for this is that when patients use cannabis they feel better due to pain symptom relief. However, after a few months they feel so much better that they often realize what their new “baseline is”.
At this point Dr. Mirman can take them further towards a “great remission” using other modalities. Once he adds more modalities as treatments, the goal is that the patient will need and to useless cannabis, as a pain reliever.
Ethan Wise from Life Medical treats patients for many types of disorders using hypnotherapy
Ethan Wise is a mental health practitioner and a mind-body therapy provider who specializes in hypnotherapy. Ethan works out of the Life Medical Clinic in St. Louis Park treating patients ages 16 and older.
“My passion is mind-body medicine,” says Ethan. “I use the mind to help the body and the body to help the mind. I enjoy working with individuals on a one-on-one basis to reach their goals and end their pain and suffering.”
Below are some common FAQs about hypnotherapy:
What are the most common issues treated with hypnotherapy?
-Chronic physical pain of any kind
-Trauma,including PTSD
-Irritablebowel syndrome (IBS)
What happens during a hypnotherapy session?
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind experienced throughout the day. It is a heightened state of suggestibility. This state of mind is one where daydreaming happens, and it is also what occurs while watching TV. This mindset is also where meditation and guided imagery occur.
During a treatment session, Ethan Wise guides people into self-hypnosis.He also teaches them the techniques of self-hypnosis so they can practice on their own. He shows them multiple techniques to induce a hypnotic state. Once they are hypnotized, Ethan and the patient do somatic awareness work (somaticis a term which means “body”), and this technique allows patients to sense feelings in the body. When patients achieve this awareness, they are able to release pain more effectively. They can also sense emotions, and are able to learn a great deal from these feelings. Hypnotherapy is actually psychotherapy within a hypnotic state.
Can hypnosis be a successful treatment for anxiety/panic attacks?
Ethan has had several people walk into his office while experiencing intense anxiety.He was able to guide them using self-hypnosis; and by the time the session was over, the symptoms of the panic attack were over. The patients went from a virtual state of panic to relaxation in one office session.
Over time, patients learn the skills they need to manage anxiety. WhenEthan teaches patients a new skill, new neuropathways are created in the brain.It’s a lot like learning to ride a bicycle – once you know how, hypnosis becomes a habit.
Can hypnotherapy be effective for physical conditions like migraines and IBS?
Ethan can personally testify that hypnotherapy works for migraines and IBS because he suffered with both issues for 10 years. Hypnosis allowed him to understand his body better, particularly the way his body handled stress. He learned and utilized techniques that reduced his pain. As part of his journey, he discovered that emotional trauma can play a role in IBS. Using hypnotherapy,Ethan was able to release that traumatic experience and his irritable bowel syndrome literally disappeared.
Does hypnotherapy also help to lower stress levels?
Stress is implicated in almost all disease and pain conditions. In today’s hectic world many of us are tense virtually all the time. This chronic tension can contribute to headaches, trigger IBS, and worsen pain. Ethan teaches patients to reduce stress, along with improving patients’ somatic awareness. This process is not only cognitive, it is experiential. During a session, patients experience this process directly, creating confidence in their ability to utilize somatic awareness on their own.
One patient told Ethan that he became so relaxed during hypnotherapy, he achieved a level of relaxation that he didn’t think he could ever achieve.
Can hypnotherapy help replace or reduce the need for pharmaceuticals?
Ethan has patients who have been able to taper off their medications using this drug-free alternative. They can either use hypnosis side-by-side with pharmaceuticals or while tapering off pharmaceuticals with their medical provider’s guidance.
On average, how many sessions does it take to see successful results?
The number of sessions necessary depends on the person, their condition, how long they’ve had the condition, and its severity. However, Ethan believes that hypnotherapy is much more effective in achieving results than traditional “talk therapy”.
At Life Medical are these treatments covered by insurance plans?
The hypnotherapy sessions are covered by most insurance plans except for Medicare.
How do people make the first appointment?
There are two ways for new patients to see if they are a candidate for hypnotherapy:
- They can call the Life Medical clinic to schedule a session with Ethan Wise at the St. Louis Park clinic.
- They can also contact Ethan for a free email-based consultation to determine whether they are a good candidate