Case Study – ADD/ADHD – Homeopathy


A family with three kids came in to see me. Two of them were diagnosed with ADHD and placed in a special education class. I gave them both homeopathic remedies and they improved. A few months later their special education teacher came to check out what kind of “magic” I was up to because neither of the kids needed to be in the special program anymore. This is one example of why treating ADD/ADHD brings me such joy.


I was treating a boy with homeopathy for ADD/ADHD. It took a while (several months and 3 attempts) to find the right remedy, but we finally found it in Mar 2017. He has had continued improvement in his ADD/ADHD symptoms since then. However, recently the last potency that I prescribed stopped working and he subsequently had a marked deterioration in his condition. I advanced him to the next potency as part of the correct management protocol and the improvement was shown very quickly. This case illustrates that when a patient is getting the right remedy, we see unmistakable results and proves that the result of homeopathy are not due to a placebo effect. Of course, with homeopathic treatment, we expect the improvement to become permanent with time, so the remedy can be stopped.  Homeopathy is the most curative medical modality of all I know.